Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Installing plugin block path administrator Joomla 1.5

  • This post we use plugin name is "adminexile"
  • Download click here we will got "plg_adminexile_j15.zip"
  • Befor install it change permission /path/site/plugins/system to 707
  • and install it 
  • when install successed go to menu "Extensions" => Plugin Manager"
  • At Filter textbox type "adminexile" and click "System - AdminExile"
  • When we into this plugin config at menu Enable => Yes
  • and Plugin Parameters we will define salt key for goto administrator backend path of Joomla site
  • Default config is "adminexile" we can chenge it
  • Final click save button at top right corner for page
  • Test by locate at URL bar and type Old url backend and add salt key

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