Saturday, October 27, 2012

How to compress and split into smaller files in Linux

I want to back up a folder that has a size of more than 6GB and then put it into the CD-ROM. To do this, I compress the folder
zip -r /mnt/ESA/Oka/ Old/
and then split into smaller size using zipsplit. To check how many files will be created if we want to split into 600MB, type
zipsplit -tn 629145600 /mnt/ESA/Oka/
and to split the file, type
zipsplit -n 629145600 /mnt/ESA/Oka/
Uh it seems that there is a file size limit with zip. It stops at around 13MB.
so use tar and split instead. Type
tar czvf /mnt/ESA/Oka/Old.tar.gz Old/
to create the archive file, and then
split –-bytes=600m /mnt/ESA/Oka/Old.tar.gz /mnt/ESA/Oka/mysplitfiles/Old.tar.gz.
to split the files and put into mysplitfiles directory. The files will be Old.tar.gz.aa, Old.tar.gz.ab and so on.
To recover them type
cat Old.tar.gz.* > Old.tar.gz
C:\Users\Juuier\Desktop>split --bytes=300m test/
C:\Users\Juuier\Desktop>ls test/
C:\Users\Jui\Desktop>cat test/* > test/ubuntu-12.1

ผลการตรวจสอบไฟล์ที่ recover กลับมา md5checker ตรงกัน

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