Saturday, February 13, 2010 Timer No Wait Hack

From Timer No Wait Hack

Tired of waiting for files from ? This guide is for you. You can learn how to quickly and simply modify and bypass the timer during runtime of the JavaScript timer for

If you are looking for a hack for the Hourly Limit, please see my guide Hourly Limit Bypass Hack.

The Background

Download sites have a simple business model. Get lots of visitors, make money from advertisers placing ads on their site. How to get lots of visitors, and therefore make lots of money? Simple. Provide content that everyone wants. Downloads which for the most part are unmonitored and unfiltered, and typically only removed if the copyright holder complains.

Back to the money. The more files you download = the more ads you see = the more money they make. If you don’t want to (wait) while seeing the ads, they still want their money, and they want to take it from you, providing you access to files that aren’t even their own property. An excellent deal indeed Sherlock!

So, if you don’t want to be a part of the More ads = More money (for them…) scheme, then you either better fork up the money, or hack up a solution. Unfortunately this guide will not help you do any forking, but it will help you with the later.

Please note that this hack does not affect the server or service of in any way, but instead hacks the “cached” copy of the web page once loaded to your computer. Only the web page files which are stored on your computer when viewing the site will be modified. As the DMCA permits modification of data for personal use, and the data does in fact reside on your hard drive, this hack is legal in all technical matters.

I am not responsible for what you do with this script, and it is provided here for educational purposes only. Please see for their terms of use of their website and services, including any documentation regarding code modification if applicable.’s trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective owners. Download Wait Timer Hack Instructions:

You will need:

Mozilla Firefox ( 3.x or newer)-

Firebug (Firefox Addon) -
Firebug in the Firefox extension status bar.

Firebug in the Firefox addon tray.

With Firefox configured with Firebug, you are armed with the tools necessary to modify JavaScript as it executes real time from your system memory. ’s download timer is written in pure client side JavaScript. A quick glance through the script shows there are multiple points of vulnerability, thus multiple methods of hacking the java script running in your web browser. The only question now is “Trick or Treat”?

Method 1: Trick It

This method initializes all built in script functions which actually are preventing immediate download, however once it is initialized, the second variable definition actually satisfies the timer function by telling the mathematical timer that the time waited is greater than what is required, thus forcing the script to continue and present us with the option to execute the document.forms.f.submit(); function.

starttimer(); var timerend=30001;

Method 2: Treat It

Skipping the above form, you can actually just call the summit form straight away. This is the most efficient method of skipping the timer, as it literally bypasses all timer functions and posts the download form which is hidden and out of site.


Choose Wisely

To take advantage of these JavaScript hacks, in Firebug, switch to the console. If it is not enabled, click on Firebug’s console menu to enable it, which will reload the page with the console enabled. The console has two sections to it. One for displaying events as they happen, and a second, for manually inputting commands to the page loaded in memory in real time.

The input console will be prefixed with “>>>” indicating that it is the location for putting your commands in.

JavaScript console in Firebug for Mozilla Firefox.

JavaScript console in Firebug for Mozilla Firefox.

Once you have decided which method you want to use, simply paste in your modified code.

If you are wanting to play with the timer’s numbers, Please take note that the time is represented in milliseconds. When specifying time in milliseconds, 1000 equals one second, 10,000 equals ten seconds, etc. In the below code example, the “timerend” is equal to thirty seconds, and one thousandth of a second.

var timerend=30001;

The Gravity of

Unfortunately what goes up must come down. HotFile tracks server side the amount of files you hit per hour, and are able to enforce a limit based on your IP. Even if you are successful in evading the pre-download wait timer, you will be forced to wait out the hourly download limit timer if you hit it.

But if you are determined, there is still hope. There is one solution which is a rudimentary method of bypassing this hourly download limit. If you are able to do it or not is dependent on whether or not you can reset your Cable/DSL modem and switch IP’s, as well as “Clear Private Data” killing the session and any cookies from your browser, than there will be no limit for you. If you are able to change IP’s, and clear the private data, then you’ve just escalated your skills to ubercool status, and have joined the no-limit’s club. For instructions on how to bypass’s Hourly Limit please reference this tutorial titled “ Hourly Limit Bypass Hack“.

You have chosen wisely. Happy HotFiling!

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