Wednesday, March 11, 2009

DOS and Linux Commands


# เปรียบเทียบคำสั่งพื้นฐานระหว่าง MS-DOS กับ Linux shell command

Table C-1. Similar Commands

Command's PurposeMS-DOSLinuxBasic Linux Example
Copies filescopycpcp thisfile.txt /home/thisdirectory
Moves filesmovemvmv thisfile.txt /home/thisdirectory
Lists filesdirlsls
Clears screenclsclearclear
Closes prompt windowexitexitexit
Displays or sets datedatedatedate
Deletes filesdelrmrm thisfile.txt
"Echoes" output on the screenechoechoecho this message
Edits files with simple text editoreditpico[a]pico thisfile.txt
Compares the contents of filesfcdiffdiff file1 file2
Finds a string of text in a filefindgrepgrep this word or phrase thisfile.txt
Formats a floppyformat a: (if floppy's in A:)mke2fs (or mformat[b])/sbin/mke2fs /dev/fd0 (/dev/fd0 is the Linux equivalent of A:)
Displays command helpcommand /?man[c]man command
Creates a directorymkdirmkdirmkdir directory
Screens through a filemoreless[d]less thisfile.txt
Renames a filerenmvmv thisfile.txt thatfile.txt[e]
Shows your location in the file systemchdirpwdpwd
Changes directories with a specified path (absolute path)cd pathnamecd pathnamecd /directory/directory
Changes directories with a relative pathcd ..
Displays the timetimedatedate
Shows amount of RAM and usememfreeprocinfo

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