Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Remove virtualbox 2.0.6 and install 2.1

How to remove virtualbox 2.0.6 in intrepid.

# copy follow command to terminal for remove virtualbox 2.0.6

$ sudo aptitude remove virtualbox-2.0

# if previous version is virtualbox ose

$ sudo aptitude remove virtualbox-ose

How to install virtualbox 2.1.0 in intrepid

1. download .deb from http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads

2. remove previous version

3. my pc use this file and double click it


# if haven't problem it show about this and click Install Package

# and config dialog show to your desktop click Forward button and wait...

# installation finished

# icon virtualbox 2.1.0 you can see in Application => System Tools

# if you don't see icon virtualbox it that path , just logout and re-login

# configuration bridge interface same windows ^^'

# More info ubuntugeek.com

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