Saturday, November 25, 2006

Ubuntu advance user

# yelp

Helper in ubuntu 6.10

Sampler : in search box if u input apache in result is

Working with your desktop
...other computers access yours (for example, the apache web server), it is advisable to install a fire...
Server administration and maintenance

alternatively, to install a lamp server (linux, apache, mysql, php/perl/python), select
User's Guide to the Evolution Groupware Suite and Email Client
the apache spamassassin project

When u click Server administration and maintenance
u will see in side box u click Networking
u will see about configuration so web server , php , dns server n,at server etc.

Example commad:

# sudo apt-get install apache2
// it will install apache and library to use with apache , server it start itself

# sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

// or for sure u can this command to start service apache again

เซิร์ฟวิสของ Openssh server ครับ
# sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart

เซิร์ฟวิสของ MySQL Server
# sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop


# update-rc.d sshd defaults

หรือติดตั้ง rcconf แล้วกาเอา เหมือน setup ของ RedHat


ลองรัน services-admin ไม่รู้ได้ป่าว

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