Thursday, March 19, 2020

pyAudio failed to install : Windows 10

  • คือจะแปลง voice เป็น text โดยใช้ python 
  • เค้าใช้ library 2 ตัวหลักๆ คือ
pip3 install SpeechRecognition
pip3 install pyaudio
  • แต่คำสั่งติดตั้ง pyaudio มีปัญหาหว่า ทำไงดีติดตั้งไม่ได้ บน Windows 10
Here is my computer configuration - Windows 10 - Python 3.8.0 installed on C:\Program Files (x86)\Python\Python38-32
I've got the same issue and i solved it with these steps ;
1/ download‑0.2.11‑cp38‑cp38‑win32.whl on my computer in C:\Downloads\PyAudio-0.2.11-cp38-cp38-win32.whl2/ run C:\Program Files (x86)\Python\Python38-32\Scripts>pip3.8 install C:\Downloads\PyAudio-0.2.11-cp38-cp38-win32.whl --user
  • ดังตัวอย่างการแก้ปัญหา มาประยุกต์กับเราได้ประมาณนี้คือ
  • ไปดาวน์โหลดไฟล์มาก่อนแล้วค่อยติดตั้งจากเครื่องพาธบนเครื่องเรา
  • ในที่นี้ผู้เขียนโหลดตัวนี้คับ
  • จากนั้นเปิด cmd ในสิทธิ์ admin แล้วรันคำสั่ง 

Python3 example auto Monitor SmartCard and MySQL Query with tkinter

from __future__ import print_function
from smartcard.CardMonitoring import CardMonitor, CardObserver
#from smartcard.util import toHexString
import binascii
import io
import os
import sys
from PIL import Image
from smartcard.System import readers
from smartcard.util import HexListToBinString, toHexString, toBytes
from smartcard.CardMonitoring import CardMonitor, CardObserver
# from tkinter import *
from tkinter import *
from time import sleep
# import mysmartcard_monitor
import mysql.connector

# a simple card observer that prints inserted/removed cards
class PrintObserver(CardObserver):
    """A simple card observer that is notified
    when cards are inserted/removed from the system and
    prints the list of cards    """

    def __init__(selftv_cidtv_nametv_hntv_mothertv_father):
        self.tv_cid = tv_cid
        self.tv_name = tv_name
        self.tv_hn = tv_hn
        self.tv_mother = tv_mother
        self.tv_father = tv_father

    #  # Check card
    # SELECT = [0x00, 0xA4, 0x04, 0x00, 0x08]
    # THAI_CARD = [0xA0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x54, 0x48, 0x00, 0x01]
    # # CID
    # CMD_CID = [0x80, 0xb0, 0x00, 0x04, 0x02, 0x00, 0x0d]

    # Thailand ID Smartcard
    # def thai2unicode(data):
    #     result = ''
    #     result = bytes(data).decode('tis-620')
    #     return result.strip()

    # tis-620 to utf-8
    def thai2unicode(selfdata): # for python 2 convert thai to unicode
        # print("in th2uni")
        result = ''
        if isinstance(data, list):
            for d in data:
                if (sys.version_info.major < 3):
                    result += unicode(chr(d),"tis-620")
                else :
                    result += chr(d).decode("tis-620").encode("utf-8")
        else :
            result = data.decode("tis-620").encode("utf-8")
        return result.strip()

    def thai2unicode2(selfdata): # for python 3 convert thai to unicode
        result = ''
        result = bytes(data).decode('tis-620')
        return result.strip();

    def getData(self,connectioncmdreq = [0x000xc00x000x00]):
        # print("getdata")
        data, sw1, sw2 = connection.transmit(cmd)
        data, sw1, sw2 = connection.transmit(req + [cmd[-1]])       
        return [data, sw1, sw2]

    def readCard(self):
        print("in readCard()")
        # Check card
        SELECT = [0x000xA40x040x000x08]
        THAI_CARD = [0xA00x000x000x000x540x480x000x01]
        # CID
        CMD_CID = [0x800xb00x000x040x020x000x0d]

        # Photo_Part1/20
        CMD_PHOTO1 = [0x800xb00x010x7B0x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part2/20
        CMD_PHOTO2 = [0x800xb00x020x7A0x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part3/20
        CMD_PHOTO3 = [0x800xb00x030x790x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part4/20
        CMD_PHOTO4 = [0x800xb00x040x780x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part5/20
        CMD_PHOTO5 = [0x800xb00x050x770x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part6/20
        CMD_PHOTO6 = [0x800xb00x060x760x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part7/20
        CMD_PHOTO7 = [0x800xb00x070x750x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part8/20
        CMD_PHOTO8 = [0x800xb00x080x740x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part9/20
        CMD_PHOTO9 = [0x800xb00x090x730x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part10/20
        CMD_PHOTO10 = [0x800xb00x0A0x720x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part11/20
        CMD_PHOTO11 = [0x800xb00x0B0x710x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part12/20
        CMD_PHOTO12 = [0x800xb00x0C0x700x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part13/20
        CMD_PHOTO13 = [0x800xb00x0D0x6F0x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part14/20
        CMD_PHOTO14 = [0x800xb00x0E0x6E0x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part15/20
        CMD_PHOTO15 = [0x800xb00x0F0x6D0x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part16/20
        CMD_PHOTO16 = [0x800xb00x100x6C0x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part17/20
        CMD_PHOTO17 = [0x800xb00x110x6B0x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part18/20
        CMD_PHOTO18 = [0x800xb00x120x6A0x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part19/20
        CMD_PHOTO19 = [0x800xb00x130x690x020x000xFF]
        # Photo_Part20/20
        CMD_PHOTO20 = [0x800xb00x140x680x020x000xFF]
        # Get all the available readers

        readerList = readers()
        reader = readerList[0]
        print ("Using:", reader)

        connection = reader.createConnection()       
        atr = connection.getATR()
        print ("ATR: " + toHexString(atr))

        if (atr[0] == 0x3B & atr[1] == 0x67):
            req = [0x000xc00x000x01]
            req = [0x000xc00x000x00]

        data, sw1, sw2 = connection.transmit(SELECT + THAI_CARD)
        print ("Select Applet: %02X %02X" % (sw1, sw2))

        data = self.getData(connection, CMD_CID, req)
        cid = self.thai2unicode2(data[0])
        print("CID: " + cid)       

        mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

        mycursor = mydb.cursor()

        mycursor.execute(f"SELECT concat(title,name,' ', surname) as name, id, mother, father FROM tb_user where cid = '{cid}' order by id desc limit 1")

        myresult = mycursor.fetchall()

        # for x in myresult:
        #     print(x[0])

        myname = myresult[0][0]
        myhn = myresult[0][1]
        mymother = myresult[0][2]
        myfather = myresult[0][3]





        # PHOTO
        photo = self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO1, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO2, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO3, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO4, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO5, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO6, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO7, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO8, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO9, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO10, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO11, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO12, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO13, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO14, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO15, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO16, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO17, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO18, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO19, req)[0]
        photo += self.getData(connection, CMD_PHOTO20, req)[0]
        data = HexListToBinString(photo)
        f = open(cid + ".jpg", "wb")

        print("Photo successed")
        # connection.close()
        # sleep(10)   
        # reader.close()     
        return reader;
        # connection.close()

    def update(selfobservableactions):
        (addedcards, removedcards) = actions
        for card in addedcards:
            print("+Inserted: ", toHexString(card.atr))    
                print("Exception reader")

            im = + ".jpg")
   + ".png")
            # print("CID2: ")
            # self.tv_cid.set(cid)

        for card in removedcards:
            # connection.close()
            # reader.close()
            print("-Removed: ", toHexString(card.atr))

def gui():

    def on_click(e):    
        val = readCard()
        #print(f'cid {val}')
        # tv_cid.set(f'{lbs:.2f} lbs.')

    root = Tk()
    # root.option_add("*Font", "Loma 16")

    tv_cid = StringVar()
    tv_name = StringVar()
    tv_hn = StringVar()
    tv_mother = StringVar()
    tv_father = StringVar()

    f1 = Frame(root, padx=10pady=10)
    f1.option_add("*Font""Loma 10")

    f2 = Frame(root, padx=10pady=10)
    f2.option_add("*Font""Loma 10")
    # f2.pack(ipadx=10, ipady=10)

    f3 = Frame(root, padx=10pady=10)
    f3.option_add("*Font""Loma 10")

    f4 = Frame(root, padx=10pady=10)
    f4.option_add("*Font""Loma 10")

    f5 = Frame(root, padx=10pady=10)
    f5.option_add("*Font""Loma 10")

    Label(f1, text="เลขประจำตัวประชาชน:"width=20bg="yellow"anchor=E).pack(side=LEFT)
    lbl_cid = Entry(f1, width=50textvariable=tv_cid)

    Label(f2, text="ชื่อ-สกุล:"width=20bg="yellow"anchor=E).pack(side=LEFT)
    lbl_name = Entry(f2, width=50textvariable=tv_name)

    Label(f3, text="เลขประจำตัวผู้ป่วย:"width=20bg="yellow"anchor=E).pack(side=LEFT)
    lbl_hn = Entry(f3, width=50textvariable=tv_hn)

    Label(f4, text="ชื่อมารดา:"width=20bg="yellow"anchor=E).pack(side=LEFT)
    lbl_mother = Entry(f4, width=50textvariable=tv_mother)

    Label(f5, text="ชื่อบิดา:"width=20bg="yellow"anchor=E).pack(side=LEFT)
    lbl_father = Entry(f5, width=50textvariable=tv_father)

    # btn_read = Button(root, text="Read")
    # btn_read.pack(side=LEFT)

    # btn_read.bind("", on_click)

    cardmonitor = CardMonitor()
    cardobserver = PrintObserver(tv_cid, tv_name, tv_hn, tv_mother, tv_father)


def main():
    # readCard()

if __name__ == "__main__":    

Python code tis-620 to utf-8


# tis-620 to utf-8
    def thai2unicode(self, data): # for python 2 convert thai to unicode
        # print("in th2uni")
        result = ''
        if isinstance(data, list):
            for d in data:
                if (sys.version_info.major < 3):
                    result += unicode(chr(d),"tis-620")
                else :
                    result += chr(d).decode("tis-620").encode("utf-8")
        else :
            result = data.decode("tis-620").encode("utf-8")
        return result.strip()

    def thai2unicode2(self, data): # for python 3 convert thai to unicode
        result = ''
        result = bytes(data).decode('tis-620')
        return result.strip();

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Uninstalling Anaconda

  • Windows
    • Use Windows Explorer to delete the envs and pkgs folders prior to running the uninstall in the root of your installation.
    • In the Control Panel, choose Add or Remove Programs or Uninstall a program, and then select Python 3.6 (Anaconda) or your version of Python.
  • macOS
    • Open the or iTerm2 terminal application, and then remove your entire Anaconda directory, which has a name such as anaconda2anaconda3, or ~/opt. Enter rm -rf ~/anaconda3 to remove the directory.
  • Linux
    • Open a terminal window, and then remove your entire Anaconda directory, which has a name such as anaconda2 or anaconda3, by entering rm -rf ~/anaconda3.

    สุดท้ายเข้าไปแก้ path ของ user เราซะหน่อย ที่ ~/.bashrc 

    export PATH="$PATH:/home/mskh3299/flutter/bin"

    export PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH"